Lea Rowing with Deaf and Disabled People

One of my contacts from the Disability Show the ELREM Foundation CIC persuaded me to come and photograph a training session with some Deaf and Disabled people who are learning rowing on the river.

Clive the main instructor, is deaf & has Cerebral palsy he showed the new people the ropes of the rowing machines and how to row in a warm-up routine, then off to the boats and start rowing. Well it’s not that simple as everyone has to know how to handle the boat correctly out of the boat shed, and onto the water, quite a feat when almost all the people are deaf it is all done by sign language and slowly approaching the river launching point.

No one fell in all day, which is good.

I think the photos I took will tell a better story than me typing on this keyboard so here are 21

I selected for inclusion and the remainder can be found on my website


There will be some videos being uploaded tomorrow as I have just run out of time today.

I have not charged this CIC for the images or my time as that is what my CIC is all about giving back to the community, However, I still need to draw a modest wage and if you would like to sponsor photograph sessions like this for any CIC, Charities or Not for profit where the event benefits anybody with disabilities, then please head over to my sponsorship page where lots of opportunities are available to purchase to help my work to elevate the cic etc who are strapped for cash as this photo session would have cost somewhere between £300-600+ depending on the photo usages. Something a small club cannot realistically afford.

Thank you


My Sponsorship page is

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