Another Podcast is available

Hi All, I have been chatting with @FNDLifewith about my progress from being a mess to being fully involved with The Disability Sports Network which I set up on January 28th This year with a whim of an idea on the 20th January 2023.

Since then my life has changed to one of confusion with this FND and how it has not stopped me from doing anything, well it does say no a few times and either I go home early or make me stay in bed etc.

I now know I have achieved a lot of things since the last one, so please listen at

Episode 13- The learning curve of FND and photography by Talking it out about…

In this episode I catch up with Michael about his experiences since we last spoke, the set-up of the new Disability Sport Network and the boom and bust of life with FND, including PIP tribunals–The-learning-curve-of-FND-and-photography-e29q9p3/a-aadd6eg

Thank you


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