Naidex 22-23rd March 2023

My main aim for going to Naidex was to look at wheelchairs and see what kitchen aids I could get to use to make my life easier.  Now on the wheelchair front, there was a lot to choose from. Too many for me as they all looked very expensive and shiny. Yes, there were some cool designs, but I wonder how they would roll in a real-life situation, some of them looked like you would only take them out on a Sunday afternoon they were that fancy. Then there were all-terrain ones, and those just said they are expensive.

OK, I know a lot of engineering goes into the wheelchair having helped with the controllers for them in my previous life. But these seemed to be top-of-the-range wheelchairs that only the well-off could afford, well that was my opinion. I did not ask any company for prices (non-displayed) as I looked around as I need to chat to my physio and Neurologist for help in what I needed in the terms of aids. However, a wheelchair I believe is in my future, as my legs are giving away (drop attack a little more often than I care to think about, then there is the pain with FND in my legs/knees when I am out and about in town. So for me so many factors to consider.

As for the small kitchen and household gadgets, there were only really 3 stands doing this, and each of the stands were busy so could not really see in-depth and play with the said gadget. Internet research is what is needed, mind you I am not exactly sure what I need. So need advice from a physio.

What impressed me most was that some well there was a queue for the rock climbing wall, so a person in a wheelchair could climb this rock face set up for them. That was the most impressive thing I saw, the queue was 8 plus deep plus the 3 or so already on the wall. So who said a wheelchair user cannot do fun things, the photo says it all.

The rest of the photos are things that interested me, and they have links to each of the suppliers if you need more information etc

Many thanks to all the people I spoke to and I will be following up shortly. Thanks, Naidex for a great show.

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