Tag: goalball

  • GoalBall at Reading 18-11-23

    Photographing many games from start to finish at Reading for the Intermediate level was a pleasure. I shot a lot of photographs over 3200 and edited them to around 819 […]

  • Show 2 goalball players defending the goal on a goalball court with the blue ball just being defelected off an defender and its played in a sports hall


    Well when I first heard about Goalball and the Blind Games in Birmingham, I was curious about what this was. OK, my first thoughts were it uses a ball and […]

  • GoalBall Argentina vs Australia

    This is a glimpse into Goalball, 3 aside teams the ball has noise, like ball bearings and the audience is asked to watch in silence so that the players can […]

  • Show a graphic of disability symbols in black and white Just becasue we are disabled we can enjoy numerous sports

    International Blind Games 18-27 August 2023

    See we can do all kinds of sports being disabled! So around 5-6 months ago, I found these international games (every 4 years) happening via my internet searches for photography […]

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