
  • Disability Images from Sports and Other Events

    I am sure this is what you have been looking for, I am now slowly uploading a lot of Disabled Sports Images I have taken over the last year, as […]

  • Disabled Sports Magazine

    Ever since I started my company “The Disability Sports Network” back in January 2023, I have had this idea to produce a sports magazine that showcases Disabled people doing any […]

  • Help me to make a disabled sports magazine

    You can contribute to this project here Hi, I am Michael and nearly 20 months ago I was made disabled by FND (functional neurological disorder) which limits me in […]

  • Wheelchair Basketball 9-12-23

    The Game at UEL, the season’s first game was brought forward from January to 9th December. East London Phoenix 76 vs Cardiff Archers 55 I have edited it down to […]

  • 2024 Calendar Pre-Order Now

    Hello I have decided to print a calendar of disabled people in Sports, When I first started this venture in January 2023. I had no idea I would have seen […]

  • How many people are in the photo? or balls?

    This is a real image and how did I do it, well that’s the question, answer below the last photo Well, it was the only team doing this kind of […]

  • Wheelchair Basketball at the Invictus Games

    Wheelchair Basket Ball, is a mixture of fans and live-action play, More to follow in the coming days, after I have sorted through 3000+ images today, On my way home […]

  • Sports Photography training with The Photography Foundation

    I found The Photography Foundation whilst looking for opportunities to teach other photographers as it is my time to give back and let go of some of my tips when […]

London Air Ambulance

Sports Journalist Assocation

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