A little about me and my FND

Hi All,

The FND has kicked in with me many times and I kept forgetting to do a video for Sarah’s FND YouTube channel. I also have tried to do a piece to camera and found I suck at it, so sort of gave up. We were chatting on Twitter, as we usually do and I said I would like to join in her conversation, what I did not realise was the questions were sent to me many months ago.

However, Sarah said why not answer the questions in written form, send some photos over of me and my photography and she will do a voiceover for you. This was the best option for now. I have recently done an intro video for The Photography Foundation where I am teaching some 18-25 year olds, and they get all their guest to record a video. However, this was done by the person interviewing me eg prompting the questions and I gave relevant answers. after a few minutes, the interview was over and the experience was amazing I did not fluff my words, I felt relaxed and it felt amazing, far better than trying to do a piece to camera.

This is how I cope with FND, I have almost come out of the fog that FND gives you, as I have the determination to go and photograph disabled people in Sports and I hope I am in readiness for the Disability Expo 6-7th July

So I will let the video do the talking, well Sarah and my answers



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