My First Wheelchair Basketball Game


Well, I was going along to watch the game to see how the players, played wheelchair basketball as apart from a few Youtube video I watch I needed to see the action live. So I found a game at the East London University and it was East London Phoenix v Loughborough Lightning I paid the small entry fee with no expectations to actually take photos, as I needed to find how much light there was and see if I had the correct lens etc. So basically go and see what happens.

On entry, I asked if I could take photos and they said yes, so bringing out my DSLR was no problem. I started to play with the settings during the warm-up and Freddie came over and asked me about what I was doing. In short, I said I am happy to photograph this game as it was a trial run to see if I could do it. His photographer was not around and I introduced myself as a Sports photographer, gave him my card and started to photograph the game.

It was different to photographing the watersports I normally do, I had to work out where the peak of the action was, and the ball, which kept disappearing from the viewfinder. It was in the 3rd quarter that I slowly got into my stride and worked out who were the people to watch and typically where the action was to be had.

I took over 450 photos and I have just posted 8 for now, as I want fresh eyes tomorrow as I know there are some other equally interesting ones.

The game was over all too fast for me, I felt exhausted despite only sitting there for the duration of the match. My FND started to play up after the game when I started walking and chatting to people and introducing myself etc.

Then End result was East London Phoenix 53 v Loughborough Lightning 81

Yes, I really did like the game and want to do more in the coming weeks, London Titans are next on the list to be photographed and if any more clubs want some photography then please get in touch.

Enjoy the photos which are on Instagram as well

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