Rock Climbing for disabled people?
I approached the UK Para Climbing Collective, as I did want to know how people with disabilities did rock climbing, I met with 3 members of the collective to take photographs, the place in question is called White City Rock Climbing and is next to the Westfield shopping centre.
I have never photographed this before, so it was a challenge mainly because the person is facing away from you and mostly you only see the back of their body climb up the wall, it is not until they turns their head to find another climbing rock hold do you see their faces or if they go round a corner on a wall
Special shoes are needed and say you take a size 6 and they take that down to a size 5, Why, well the shoe needs to be tight against your feet, so they don’t slip off easily, but give you extra grip.
Chalkdust is necessary for hands, absorbing sweat and allowing you to grip more going up the wall.
I was at this place, but there are others around the country
If you want to try this out please get in touch with the UK Para Climbing Collective at
They will be able to help you start rock climbing. One of the women was 100% blind and I was amazed at how easily she went up and down the wall. Yes there is help by saying there is a hold just to your right etc
It does depend on your disability, I cannot do this due to spasms in my legs and they can give away at any time along with the shoes that are needed the pressure on my feet is intolerable, so something that hugs my feet is a no-go. However I have not explored the whole spectrum as at the last Naidex they had a climbing wall and there was a queue formed for wheelchair-bound people to go rock climbing as that event is only a week away, I will investigate and report back. Plus when I can arrange it, I will photograph other climbers with different disabilities and watch this space.
The floor is very bouncy, it will cushion your fall if you fall, but is not a fail-safe, catch-all floor, you can still hurt yourself and all will be discussed the first time you start climbing.
Here are some photos of the rock climbing