Life after FND

  • Disability Images from Sports and Other Events

    I am sure this is what you have been looking for, I am now slowly uploading a lot of Disabled Sports Images I have taken over the last year, as […]

  • shows the Paralympic Logo which is a white flame on a gold background which is on top of the words Paris 2024 and shows a 3 colour red, blue, green small swipes below the words Paris 2024

    Paralympics in Paris 2024

    Hello Everyone I have been so busy preparing for the Paralympics that I forgot to tell you all that I am going with a converted press pass to photograph as […]

  • Exciting News

    The Disabled Sports Magazine is now available in both printed and digital formats. – Get your Printed Copy for £7, inclusive of UK postage. (Not available outside the UK) – […]

  • Last Chance to Sponsor/Advertise in Disabled Sports Magazine 1st Issue

    Last Chance to advertise in the 1st Issue of The “Disabled Sports” magazine coming to you in the 1st week of July (all going well) If you want to advertise, […]

  • London Represents Fashion Inclusivity & Diversity

    On Saturday 17th 2024 around 200 plus people gathered at the Cumberland Hotel at Marble Arch, London for a fashion showcasing 7 designers that showed diversity and inclusivity as their […]

  • Help me to make a disabled sports magazine

    You can contribute to this project here Hi, I am Michael and nearly 20 months ago I was made disabled by FND (functional neurological disorder) which limits me in […]

  • 1 Year from a crazy idea to reality

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME 1 year ago on the 20th Jan 2023, I went to a mini-conference. After Gemma Stevenson talked about how the media does not have enough “Air […]

  • New items for 2024

    My FND has delayed this post, due to a few long-winded hospital visits due to people bashing me or dropping a water bottle onto my foot for more details please […]

  • Wheelchair Basketball 9-12-23

    The Game at UEL, the season’s first game was brought forward from January to 9th December. East London Phoenix 76 vs Cardiff Archers 55 I have edited it down to […]

  • GoalBall at Reading 18-11-23

    Photographing many games from start to finish at Reading for the Intermediate level was a pleasure. I shot a lot of photographs over 3200 and edited them to around 819 […]

London Air Ambulance

Sports Journalist Assocation

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