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  • Ai Photos of Disabled People in Sports

    Ai and I have not worked together well so far, I could not find the right program or effect that I wanted. I knew what I needed in my head, […]

  • The Peoples Catwalk at the show

    At the end of part one, the people in the audience had a chance to strut the catwalk for a brief moment and I was there to capture most of […]

  • London Represents Fashion Inclusivity & Diversity

    On Saturday 17th 2024 around 200 plus people gathered at the Cumberland Hotel at Marble Arch, London for a fashion showcasing 7 designers that showed diversity and inclusivity as their […]

  • Help me to make a disabled sports magazine

    You can contribute to this project here Hi, I am Michael and nearly 20 months ago I was made disabled by FND (functional neurological disorder) which limits me in […]

  • 1 Year from a crazy idea to reality

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME 1 year ago on the 20th Jan 2023, I went to a mini-conference. After Gemma Stevenson talked about how the media does not have enough “Air […]

  • London Air Ambulance – Donate today!!

    I have done something different, as regards presents, I donate to the London Air Ambulance every month a small donation to their amazing efforts and have been doing this for […]

  • New items for 2024

    My FND has delayed this post, due to a few long-winded hospital visits due to people bashing me or dropping a water bottle onto my foot for more details please […]

  • Wheelchair Basketball 9-12-23

    The Game at UEL, the season’s first game was brought forward from January to 9th December. East London Phoenix 76 vs Cardiff Archers 55 I have edited it down to […]

  • GoalBall at Reading 18-11-23

    Photographing many games from start to finish at Reading for the Intermediate level was a pleasure. I shot a lot of photographs over 3200 and edited them to around 819 […]

  • Black Friday Deals Now Available

    Click here to BUY the calendars or the frames Photos BLACK FRIDAY WEEK DEALS Calendars £12.00 including postage 1 photo per month (note the Goalball one will be added in […]

London Air Ambulance

Sports Journalist Assocation

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