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  • Boccia

    So what is Boccia, well it’s a ball game that you throw towards a White ball to see who gets nearer the Jack (white ball) however, these balls are quite […]

  • Show 2 goalball players defending the goal on a goalball court with the blue ball just being defelected off an defender and its played in a sports hall


    Well when I first heard about Goalball and the Blind Games in Birmingham, I was curious about what this was. OK, my first thoughts were it uses a ball and […]

  • 2024 Calendar Pre-Order Now

    Hello I have decided to print a calendar of disabled people in Sports, When I first started this venture in January 2023. I had no idea I would have seen […]

  • My Photos at the SB Arts Exhibition Private View

    I am amazed that just 6 weeks after I came back from the Invictus Games I am exhibiting 3 images from those Games. So how did it come about? After […]

  • Show a graphic of disability symbols in black and white Just becasue we are disabled we can enjoy numerous sports

    Calling disabled clubs in the London area

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to find clubs that help disabled people in sports and any disability or sports as I want to help you with some new and fresh […]

  • Some very exciting news

    I have had 3 images selected for a 3-day exhibition of my images from the Invictus Games last month. I am very pleased with this news. The best news is […]

  • Podcast Logo

    Another Podcast is available

    Hi All, I have been chatting with @FNDLifewith about my progress from being a mess to being fully involved with The Disability Sports Network which I set up on January […]

  • AFK Charity Day with the Corporates at Canary Wharf

    Today started with some sunshine after heavy rain came overnight. This did not dampen spirits in the battle of the “Corporates” in Aid of the AFK charity. A full block […]

  • AFK Charity Beach Volleyball Part 2

    Now that I have time to edit the photographs properly here are another 14 for your viewing. The full set of 169 images from Monday 16th can be found at […]

  • How many people are in the photo? or balls?

    This is a real image and how did I do it, well that’s the question, answer below the last photo Well, it was the only team doing this kind of […]

London Air Ambulance

Sports Journalist Assocation

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